How become a content writer.

Hanzala Hameed
2 min readSep 23, 2021

.5 thing that will make will make you better content writing.
When i begin a new article. I start with some reading article. Search google for my article topic and then scan through the article top result.I am going to frame my own article in a way.

1.Studing Other writers

If you have to be aware of other writers.Read widely.keep a clip file of articles that hook you.
You can browse through your clip file to discover
topics you’re excited to write about.Reading Good writers will help you become a better one.
.writing skills
The best way to improve your writing skills is by practising writing.

2.Successful content writer don’t pic random subjects

The creative process of finding a subject, title and angle to write about and ideation begins with
analytics.Most writers are done in a team setting, but freelance writer are usually on their own.

3.Content writers are original.
Every post should be original with your nam.

Probably ten of thousand people writing about the same subjects but it is easier than it seems.Every best writer can bring a unique voice.

4.Successful content writers are social media Specialists.

Social media put everything you need.Build your audience,meet publisher.when your writing is published the fun has only begun.The more likely your follower will be to decide your content.Successful content writers are active, public and friendly.

5.Getting familiar with SEO best practices.

SEO best practices are something any content producer should study.

.Titles will make or break you.

A good title will build you.keywords is key to getting your article seen read and shared.

.Fresh content is critical.

Your article updated that includes creating fresh new stories.

Article written by

Hanzala Hameed

I am a content writing

